Starting January 6th Wednesday nights will be back in session for youth! We will be launching a whole new structure that is more laser focused to better fit our Wednesday night group. Below is how it will look.

1st Wednesday – Connect night

This night will be focused on building relationships. We will do activities that will focus on allowing students to get to know each other better. We believe this night is a catalyst to helping students open up more on the 2nd and 3rd Wednesdays.

2nd Wednesday – Commit night

This night is focused on leadership. Pastor Josh, Pastor Adrian, or guest speaker will teach a lesson on leadership. This night will always conclude with a challenge to make a commitment to the next step in their walk with God whether that be first time salvation, rededication, baptism in spirit, commitment to get water baptized, commit to reading word/praying daily, commitment to serving in church, etc.

3rd Wednesday – Circles night

This night is a small group focus. We will have discussion time that is focused on the lesson from the previous week and we will also use this as a time to hold them accountable to the commitment that they made on 2nd Wednesday.

4th Wednesday – Creative night

This night is focused on allowing the youth team and leaders to get creative and try new things. This could include things like outdoor services, worship nights, drama night (skits, plays, comedy), etc. Our leadership team will meet monthly to plan for this night.

5th Wednesday – Church Family night

This night is focused on staying connected to our church family. We will do this by attending main service together and sitting in a student section together.