Some questions to ask before joining a non-denominational church in Plano, TX

At Grace Plano church, we are one of the many diverse churches that welcome everyone from all walks of life. We are a faith-based, Bible-following, non-denominational church that desires to spread the gospel far and wide.

What is a non-denominational church? 

As a non-denominational church, we do not classify ourselves as any one particular Christian denomination, but our beliefs remain resolute; we base our faith on the irrefutable Word of God, the power of the Holy Spirit, and the resurrection and eternal life that we will one day experience if we place our lives in the hands of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

If you are contemplating joining a non-denominational church, here are some pros and cons to help guide you.


We are flexible with adapting our views on what ‘church life’ is to accommodate the ever-changing needs of society. We understand that times change, and traditional ways and methods of how we do church should change too so that we don’t become stuck in rigid, outdated ways of serving the community. 

If you are looking for a more open and free approach to the way you view and practice your faith, then a non-denominational church might be the right fit for you. We embrace diversity and welcome your questions about life and faith, as we walk with you on your faith-filled journey. 


A non-denominational church can often lack the resources available to larger church organizations such as the assistance provided to communities through mentorship and pastoral care, Bible teachings, and learnings which often form part of a Bible school or Bible Institute, as well as additional financial assistance and resources needed to grow and expand the church and its resources. 

Freedom of opinions and viewpoints can at times lead to disagreements and disputes which may not be so easy to objectively solve as all opinions, questions or viewpoints should be treated equally. 

What we base our beliefs on 

There are a number of foundational and guiding principles that the body of Grace Plano Church holds true to. 

We believe in the written living word of God. We live according to its principles and esteem it in the highest regard as the one and only authoritative guide to Christian living. 

We believe in:

  • The trinity of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. 
  • The Lord Jesus Christ, his birth, his sinless life, his sacrificial death, and his resurrection. 
  • Forgiveness, that we are able to receive the gift of forgiveness, and restoration through His blood that was shed on the cross. 
  • The Holy Spirit that enables us to live a sanctified, spirit-filled life. 
  • We believe in the gift of eternal life for believers That is why it is our heart’s mission to see the lost saved. 
  • The Baptism of the Holy Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit that are freely available to Christ believers who seek, ask, and receive it.
  • We believe in the healing of the body through the victory obtained by Jesus on the cross.

We embrace diversity at Grace Plano church 

We have an open-door policy for anyone looking for a church where they want to feel loved and accepted. We are a multi-racial church and welcome people from all cultures, races, and backgrounds. 

Impact on the community

Members of our generous community gather every month at our church near Frisco, Texas with the goal of helping to feed the homeless by preparing meals for them. This community outreach program is two-fold and is a practical demonstration of the love the Lord has for all his people.  

If you want to learn more about joining our non-denominational church – Grace Plano Church, then you are most welcome to visit our website.