Be the Church…Don’t just “do church”

COVID-19 has forced all of us to adjust the way that we do life. As Christians, an online church such as Grace Plano Church gives you the opportunity to stay connected and exhibit faith during the pandemic.

We need to always remember that during these trying times we must exhibit faith over fear. As it says in Timothy 1:7, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind.” During this unprecedented time, we are figuring out how to do church differently. We might not be meeting in the same building, but we must remember the church is never just a building! Jesus has called us to do more. He has called us all to go into the world and make disciples.

Interact with Christians and your pastors in an online church environment

COVID-19 presents a beautiful opportunity for us to be light in the midst of the darkness surrounding the world. It is somewhat ironic in a beautiful way how the gospel is being delivered in today’s world. In March of 1455, Johannes Gutenberg printed and distributed his first Bible, making the gospel accessible and real to the everyday man. In today’s world, the gospel is being distributed through the internet by video conferencing, live streaming, and social media posts. What I would challenge all of us to do is don’t disconnect, but lean in harder than you ever have. Just as the gospel came alive to some people for the first time in March of 1455, let the gospel impact you like never before in March of 2020.

Engage with your church, interact online with your pastors and fellow people watching! As Christians, we know who is in control; it is Jesus. Let us rest in His presence during these difficult times.

You are always welcome at Grace Plano.

Few Resources for You:

Watch our live stream here
Get involved during this time.