Benefits of a Children's Ministry

Children are our future. It is important to develop programs around a children’s ministry that will not only help them to learn the importance of Jesus Christ but will help them with their development. At Grace Plano Church, we aim to guide kids through activities and lessons centered around leading a happy and fulfilled life. In this article, we discuss some of the benefits of a children’s ministry and how GraceKids can help your child to succeed in every aspect of their lives.
Why Do Churches Include a Children’s Ministry
What are the benefits of joining your local children’s ministry? Churches strive to emphasize the importance of Jesus Christ and how to accept Him into your life. The message passed in churches to kids to help them to bring joy to people’s lives. By spreading the message of the Lord, people are encouraged to return to church and spread the word to potential converts, leading to church growth.

Here are some reasons why a children’s ministry is important for church:

A children’s ministry encourages growth within a church by creating activities for kids that center around Christianity but other non-Christian activities. By creating opportunities that are centered around children of all religions, church ministries create an environment for children to flourish. It teaches children acceptance and empathy towards other children and leads to non-Christian children being introduced to the church. Church ministries can therefore bring in more children of every faith to the church as these children can learn that they can take part in church-related activities and participate in services without feeling forced or threatened.

Helps Adults to Enjoy Church
Children’s ministry provides activities for children so that adults do not have to be distracted or stress over what their kids are up to. They can enjoy church without worrying about their children as their kids will be focused on enjoying their time at church and making friends from the church. A children’s ministry can also give kids the chance to introduce their friends to the church which will encourage and help out other adults who want to attend the church.

Helps to Spread The Word of The Lord
A children’s ministry helps the church to spread the word of the Lord. It teaches kids about their Lord and Savior which helps them to feel included and loved. A child is going to be exposed to a lot of situations in their life that will challenge their faith. With the ministry, they can be taught to have faith and follow Christ’s teachings regardless of the number of hardships they will encounter in their life. It will lead to them returning to church during difficult times and encourage them to keep listening to church sermons.

Builds Relationships
People need healthy relationships to thrive. Children are no different. A children’s ministry can help them to build healthy friendships that will last a lifetime. The relationships they build will help them to flourish, encourage them to return to the church, and participate in church activities with their friends.

Brings in Volunteers and Sponsorships
Everyone admires a church that is centered around children as these churches prove that they care about the well-being of their church members, regardless of their age. Families will attend churches that provide activities and lessons for children. They are also more likely to volunteer to help the church or sponsor activities that involve helping children of the church.
What Is Included In a Children’s Ministry?  
A children’s ministry aims to teach children to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and teach children values centered around religion, empathy, and discipline.

Some of these goals are accomplished through activities that include:  
  • A formal class and church classes centered around Bible teachings
  • Sports programs, group tournaments, and other sport-related activities
  • Church services activities such as activities involving helping the church and church choir
  • Community service activities such as feeding the poor
  • Teaching children how to interact with each other and other adults
  • Supporting parents with providing them with guidance and activities for their children
  • Praise and worship of the church and prayers

How Do Church Ministries Reach Out to Children
Why do children love church ministries? Here are a few tips that church ministries use to make kids feel important and loved:
  •  Ministries use eye contact will help children to know you are talking directly to them and make them feel that they are important to you
  • Greeting children, learning their names, and getting to know each child
  • Ministries are filled with people who love kids, are friendly, and smile at them to let them know this
  • The coordinators and volunteers involved make an effort to acknowledge each child even if they see them outside of a church setting, showing them that their attendance is valued and appreciated
  • Children are provided time to discuss the events of the ministry and provide feedback if they are not enjoying an activity, which helps their voices and opinions to be heard 
  • Teachers and volunteers are enthusiastic which helps children to respond to their teachings. They enjoy the lessons they learn as much as the teachers love to teach them
  • Church worships who are passionate about Jesus Christ help to encourage children to be as passionate about serving the Lord
  • Children receive approval and a pat on the back which they may not receive at home, which keeps them coming back to the church
  • It teaches children positive reinforcement and references to the bible which keeps them excited about attending the church and ministry programs
  • Church attendees often recognize children who attend church and if they do not attend, they let them that they were missed, which keeps children feeling loved and accepted
How Does GraceKids Children Ministry Keep Kids Safe?
Grace Church takes childcare and safety seriously. It can be tough to introduce your kids to a new setting, even with all the benefits available to them. Grace Plano Church understands that you want to keep your children safe. We care about your children as much as you do and this is why we created safety procedures at our children’s ministry and programs to keep you safe and protected. Our safety procedures include following Covid-19 safety protocols, as well safety protocols against child abuse, neglect, and crime.

Here are some examples of our safety procedures for GraceBabies, Grace Pre-School & GraceKids:
  • We keep our rooms and hall safe by sanitizing before and after church services. All toys, chairs, and equipment are properly sanitized before and after use
  • All children are asked to be dropped off only at the entrance of the children’s hallway
  • Two volunteers are in the room with children at all times
  • Only authorized parents and volunteers are allowed in the room at all times
  • Kids sit with 2 chairs between them 
  • Kids wash their hands before eating snacks
  • No latex balloons are allowed 
  • Children between ages 0 – 5th Grade are provided security tags. Only a person with a security tag can pick up a child and they have to be 12 years or older
  • Children cannot leave their classrooms. Parents have to come to the classroom to pick up a child.

As you can see, there are many benefits to joining a church with an active children’s ministry, such as GraceKids. If you are in doubt or want more reasons to join here are some FAQs and more benefits to help you decide:

What is a Children’s Ministry in Churches?
A children’s ministry is a church-managed program with activities centered around educating children about the church and helping children to lead healthy and fulfilled lives. These ministries exist for children from infancy up to young adulthood to guide them through their lives.

Children’s ministries arrange for several activities for children both in and out of church such as playing sports, feeding the community, doing church work, and participating in community events. A children’s ministry is open for non-Christians, and Christian children. Children are allowed to join their peers and participate in church activities while being taught the importance of accepting Jesus Christ as their savior.
Why Do We Need Children’s Ministry In The Church?
‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these’ – Matthew 19:14.

We need to teach children what we learn so that they can spread the love of Jesus Christ when we are no longer around. In serving Jesus Christ, the ministry teaches children the importance of the Lord. The ministry shows children the way and helps to guide them into adults that are devoted to the church. In return, they will devote time to helping the church, and teach others the importance of church which will help the church to grow and spread the word of the Lord.

What Are The Responsibilities of The Director of The Children’s Ministry of a Church?
The director of children’s ministry in a church oversees the entire children’s ministry, its functions, and activities. He or she will ensure that all activities that place are both educational and safe for children of all ages. The director will base activities on what is appropriate and relevant for a particular age group and do the necessary planning and intervention needed for these activities. Directors are usually appointed by the church itself but can include volunteers of the church. The director is well versed in handling matters relating to the church and have the knowledge and expertise to handle the ministry, particularly about children.

Importance of Church Ministry to Children
It provides opportunities for children to connect to their peers and form healthy friendships. A church ministry creates a space for children to spend time learning about God, good morals, and standards and get closer to people who follow the Lord. It can help children to stay grounded, avoid falling into bad habits and guide them throughout their childhood. By joining a ministry, you will also have relief in knowing that your child is not joining negative communities or criminal groups that can harm them. Your child will be kept safe while being taught how to contribute to society and serve the Lord.
The Importance of Children’s Ministry to Families
Children’s ministries help to create meaningful relationships within family units. The church community is a family on its own but ministries help to bring children together to create good relationships with each other and the church. It only encourages godly parenting and helps parents to guide their children so that they enjoy church-related activities. Families are encouraged to attend church as their kids will be involved in church and they would want to support them. It can also help families who don’t attend church to start to attend as children will often teach others the importance of church and talk about how much they enjoy it.

Importance of Children’s Ministry on The Church
The children’s ministry helps to bring more children and families into the church as children will want to regularly attend church to see their peers. Families will attend church to ensure their kids enjoy it. It will not only grow the church but help the church to gain more volunteers and sponsors as people are always keen on helping children to advance in every aspect of their lives. Children can also teach the church a new thing or two as they are very advanced in aspects such as marketing and technology. Working with kids can therefore help every member of the church to grow.

Importance of Children’s Ministry To Society
A children’s ministry can help society as a whole. Here are some examples:
  • It is good for schools as it teaches them how to respect authority and to have good manners
  • Children’s ministry provides kids with opportunities to help the community, such as doing acts of good and feeding the poor
  • It teaches children to love thy neighbor, encouraging them to have a love for everyone and creating a more peace in the world
  • The word of God is spread among Christians which helps to grow the Christian community 
  • It teaches kids to work together and to work hard which teaches them to be better employees and future leaders

Children’s Ministry at Grace Plano Church
Grace Plano Church has a special ministry for all ages under our GraceKids program. Our programs include Kid Connect Preschool, and K-5th Bible Program. We even minister to babies aged 0-2 in a safe and protected nursery. Our preschool program is for kids aged 3-5 years, and K-5th graders in GraceKids. Kids are taught about God at their level, play Bible games, and form friendships.

To find out more about our GraceKids children’s ministry, contact us today!