"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" - (Matthew 28:19-20)

Why Water Baptism?

The Bible clearly teaches that baptism is the first step of obedience after making a commitment to become a Christ-follower. It's a symbolic act that signifies three important things:

  1. That you want Christ: Baptism signifies choosing Jesus as your Lord and Savior, putting your trust in Him. (Romans 10:9-10)
  2. That you need Christ: It represents the washing away of sin and the start of a new life in Christ. (2 Corinthians 5:17)
  3. Obedience and Following: Baptism is your first act of obedience, following Jesus' command and committing to live according to His will. (Matthew 28:19-20)

Considering Baptism? We've Got You Covered!

  • What is Water Baptism?  Baptism is a beautiful outward symbol of your inward faith in Jesus Christ. It's a public declaration of your commitment to follow Him.
  • Is it too late to be baptized?  Absolutely not! Baptism is a celebration of faith at any stage of your journey.
  • Can I be baptized with my children?  Absolutely! Baptism is a personal decision, but many families choose to be baptized together. We baptize children ages 6 and up.
  • I was baptized as a child, can I get baptized again?  While some traditions emphasize childhood baptism,  baptism as an adult is a powerful way to publicly declare your faith.
  • Is this full submersion under water?  Yes, baptism traditionally involves full immersion in water.
  • How do I sign up?  Use the form to the right to get started.
  • What do I wear?  We recommend comfortable clothing that allows for full immersion. We will provide you a baptism shirt that must be worn for your baptism.
  • Does baptism save you?  Salvation comes by faith in Jesus Christ, and baptism is an outward expression of that faith.

Ready to take the next step? We're here to support you!

Water Baptism Registration

Tell us about yourself

Who else are you registering for baptism?

Grace Church Plano Media Release Acknowledgement

Your presence on the Grace Church Plano campus, including participation in services, organized events (on or off campus), water baptisms, and other functions, constitutes your implied consent for Grace Church Plano to capture photographs, videos, and images of participants. This captured content may be utilized for live streaming purposes or for future church publications and promotional materials. However, you may opt out of this use by submitting a written request to Grace Church Plano.