Women play a vital role in the community and church. The role of women in church is seen to be different today than it was in traditional times. Traditionally women were kept from church, but thanks to the feminist movement, we now provide equality at churches. Churches acknowledge that both men and women need to attend church to serve God’s commandments.

Everyone receives equal opportunity to seek praise from the Lord. Women are not just seen as wives and mothers, but also play an important role in the church movement. In this article, we look at the role of women in church and how women can help the church.
The History of Women in Church
The old testament stated that men and women were created equally in the image of God (Genesis 1). Spiritual texts claimed that both were made in God’s image. The testament saw men and women as equals and with this comes equality for women in the church.

Genesis 2 took a similar stance in stating that Adam and Eve were created equally, however, stating that God created Adam first and Eve after to be Adam’s helper. Some took the view that the testaments indicated that wives should submit to their husbands. The term “helper” however can be rather seen as a positive indicator as the word is used positively throughout Christian history. One example was God being described as the helper of Israel (Deut. 33:7; Ps. 33:20).

The First Books of The Bible
Equality of men and women was highlighted in many circumstances within the first books of the bible.

An example is Exodus 21:15 which states condemn violence against men and females. The old books were written by men, however, Isaiah 3:12 stated that God allowed women to rule as part of His judgment.

In Genesis 3, Adam and Eve were cursed after disobeying God which led to some confusion over the male and female roles in relationships. It can be said, however, that God made them have equal leadership over the earth stating that they should be fruitful and multiply, to fill the earth, and rule over it (Gen. 1:28).

Women were seen throughout history in the old testament, but not as leaders. Priests and rulers were generally male. The male-dominated church however changed as the world changed.

Jesus and Women in History
Throughout history, Jesus was shown to have respect for women. Jesus showed love to all human beings, regardless of gender. In fact, Jesus was shown to include women in his teachings and spirituality during a time in which women were not included in church activities or discussions. While women were seen to be inferior by cultural groups, it was said that Jesus saw them as equals in the eyes of God (Matt. 10:34ff.). Jesus’ images, illustrations, and teachings were all examples of how women were treated equally and loved by Him.

Some of these examples include:
  • John 4 in which Jesus discusses important topics of worship with a Samaritan woman. 
  • Luke 10:38, a time when Jesus teaches Mary the importance of staying true to her spirituality (regardless of female given duties at the time). 
  • Mark 5:25ff is an example of when Jesus heals women. 
  • Luke 8:1–3 emphasized a moment when Jesus allowed women to be a part of his spiritual journey.
  • John 20:1–18 was possibly one of the most notorious appearances in the Bible that emphasizes Jesus’s love and respect for women. It indicated His resurrection and when Jesus chose to appear to Magdalene. He put his trust in her and sent her to announce the resurrection to his disciples at the time. To further add to the importance of this event, women at the time were not allowed in Jewish courts.
The Epistles
The Epistles do not clearly define the role of men and women in the Church. Men and women were seen to have different responsibilities but this was not elaborated fully upon. Equality is however generally considered important, with both men and women being taught that the church is the path to salvation.

The New Testament
According to the New Testament, Christian marriage is seen as mutual love between partners. It was originally interpreted as submission of women and men (Eph. 5:21), however, a modern interpretation sees it as a submission to God, rather than man. Women are seen as equals to men and both genders serve a role in the family – to help the family to serve God.

In the family role, men were told to love their wives and treat them as they treat God, with love. “Men are called to love the wife as he loves Christ” – (Eph. 5:25).

The New Testament focuses on women being the managers of the household and highlights their roles as wives and mothers. Today’s modern views of the church empower women as wives, and mothers, but also as successful leaders.
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Women in Church Today
Women play a vital role in the Church throughout history. There are so many examples we can take from the testaments that show equality and respect for women (some being: Rom. 16; Phil. 4:3,  Cor. 16:19; 2 Tim. 1:5; 4:19).

Females were highly respected and seen as spiritual equals. The respect for women is highlighted in Galatians 3:28 where it was stated that “there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus”.

Although apostles and missionaries were previously dominated by men, today’s church takes a different outlook and sees men and women as equals before God. With this, females play a diverse role in the church and are expected to take on church responsibilities in the same manner as men.

More female pastors are involved today in church than ever before. Ministries create joyous and safe havens for all genders to serve praise to the Lord. Men and women come together to attend church. Services, choir, and children’s activities consist of both male and female church attendees.

With the rise of the feminist movement, there has been confusion over women’s role in the church, however, the one thing that remains certain is that serving the Lord always comes first. Sermons focus on putting God first and fulfilling spiritual duties by attending church services and joyfully serving the Lord. There is no ostracizing or judgment on women because, in the eyes of God, everyone is loved. Regardless of what women chose to do, the church is there to help them and guide them.

Here are some FAQs highlighting the role of women in church:
What Did Jesus Say About Women In The Church?

As discussed, Jesus had positive views on women and taught women to be involved in church. He showed love and greatly respected women. Paragraphs in several texts highlight the Lord’s teachings and views of women, including:
  • Matt. 13:33
  • Luke 15:8-10 NASB
  • Matt 10:34ff NASB 
  • Luke 10:38 NASB

It is said the creator made males and females equally when he created the world (as quoted in Matt. 19:4; cf. Gen. 1:27). Both men and women were created in the image of God. According to the text, God gives them the same attributes and personal responsibility for their actions.

Why Is a Church Ministry For Women Important?
Just as Jesus spoke kindly to women and taught them, must the church. Jesus’s teachings to women were kind and women were said to respond positively to them. The power of his teachings shows us the importance of prayer for both men and women. The Church helps all sexes to praise God and raises us during our darkest times in life.

Churches need to show love and kindness to all human beings, regardless of gender. The love is extended in the form of prayers, fellowship, service, testimony, and witness. Modern women can be shown the same fulfillment as traditional women did when Jesus taught them.

Famous Modern Women of The Church
There are many famous and notable Christian women in the church. Some famous women of the church include Barbara Clementine Harris. She was the first female bishop in the world. Barbara was ordained as a bishop in the Episcopal Church in the US.

Mother Teresa of Calcutta was also a popular woman in the church. She famously received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 for her help to suffering humanity.

Other women in British history to have held the position of Supreme Governor of the Church of England include Elizabeth I, Mary II, Anne, and Victoria.
Why Are Women Important To The Church?
The bible says we need to encourage men and women to follow God’s commandments. Women and men help the church to fulfill its love and commitment to Jesus. By giving women an opportunity to praise him in the house of God, the church helps to raise its morale and reputation for showing love to all Christians.

Women can help the church by spreading the word of God, reaching children, raising money for the church, and helping to run the church. They can bring others over to the church and communicate how open and welcoming the church is to women.

How Does Including Women in Church Help Society?
Females, and especially minority groups were traditionally not acknowledged by churches and this gave churches of the past a bad name. Time thankfully changed and now that democracy and equality exist, churches are more welcoming and inclusive. Including women in the church will help to show society how churches are fair and centered around equality for all.

It has been estimated that over 250,000 hate crimes were committed yearly between 2004 and 2015 in the United States. Most of these centered around females and minority groups. By including women and minority groups in church services and sermons, the church can teach the community about equality and love.

How To Get More Women Involved in Church
Here are some opportunities churches can use to bring more women into a church and to get women involved in church activities:
  • Including female leaders in church services as mentors for females 
  • Mother’s Day activities to honor mothers 
  • Kids workshops for girls 
  • Church trips or sporting events for female groups 
  • Female pastors, teachers, and mentors 
  • Reaching out to disadvantaged groups of women and inviting them to the church 
  • Asking women of the church to invite a female friend or relative to visit the church or take part in a church-related activity or event

Grace Church in Plano, TX
Now that you know the role that women play in church and the importance of including them in church, you may be looking for a diverse church in Plano. Look no further – Grace Church Plano is a diverse church in Texas that welcomes females and minority groups. We are a multicultural and multi-generational church in Plano, Texas, that puts Jesus first.

Equality and love are important to Grace Church Plano and this is why our church consists of people from all sexes, races, cultures, and walks of life. Come down to the church to experience true love for God.

Stop by or contact us today to experience the wonderful role of women in church




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